Tuesday, June 10, 2008

big words from one little guy

There's really no introduction that can do these words justice, instead perhaps a brief description of the person that wrote them. Meet Miguel Ernesto Colon Landrón, an 8-year old boy living in Puerto Rico, lucky enough to have some fiercely strong women at his side: Graciela, Inés, and Abuela the marvelous. Kindly translated from Spanish to English by Ms. Inés, please enjoy the musings of a young lad living more than 1,600 miles away but with a heart right here at home:

Mi alma
Cuando la gente
va a la guerra,
mi alma es como un rey,
la paz.

(translation): My Soul
When people
go to war,
my soul is like a king,

La perla
La perla de plata
la perla de mi alma,
lleva vida en su almeja.
Esta perla
no solo
es linda,
sino que
y nunca muere.

(Translation): The Pearl
The silver pearl
my soul's pearl,
carries life in its shell.
This pearl
is not only
but it
and never dies.

Short story: Daniel
Habia una vez una anaconda. Se llamaba Daniel. Daniel tenia sed. Despues encontroun humano. Le espeto sus dos dientes. La sangre volo. Se la trago en el aire. Daniel sesintio feliz.

(Translation): Daniel
Once upon a time there was an anaconda. Its name was Daniel. Daniel was thirsty.Afterwards, it found a human. It sank its two teeth in him. The blood flew. It swallowed it in the air. Daniel felt happy.

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